A Quiet Thing; David Daniels & Craig Ogden Review

A Quiet Thing; David Daniels and Craig Ogden
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A Quiet Thing; David Daniels & Craig Ogden ReviewI know, I know--you can't stand the countertenor voice, it's "weird," "creepy," "unnerving." I can't promise to change anyone's mind; this voice is an acquired taste. But oh, the glories if you acquire it!
Daniels's tone, shadings, and breath control are pure beauty. The Renaissance songs, such as Dowland's "Come Again Sweet Love," we expect to be great, because Dowland wrote with this voice in mind. But even in the contemporary songs such as "A Quiet Thing," Daniels is a revelation. And in what has become his signature song, "Blackberry Winter," he is heartbreaking; the colors of his voice, the emotion, especially in the repeat of the line, "And I get so lonely," make one cry.
Listen to this CD to understand why the countertenor voice has been so revered and exalted for hundreds of years. Not since the days of Russell Oberlin have I encountered such a moving, almost unbearably beautiful recording.A Quiet Thing; David Daniels & Craig Ogden OverviewSolid Disk guaranteed with no scratches

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